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Volume 23, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 0032-1400


A comparison of entries in notebooks kept by William Hyde Wollaston with the records of an account that he maintained in the bank of Thomas Coutts & Co, London, serves to establish that approximately three quarters of Wollaston’s output of malleable platinum was disposed of through the London scientific instrument maker, William Cary. This article reviews the relationship between these two men, the nature of their business association and their incomes from the sale of platinum.


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  6. Cambridge University Library Add. MSS 7736, Henry Warburton’s notebook summarising Wollaston’s miscellaneous expenditure, 7, 17, 18 and 21
  7. Cambridge University Library Add. MSS 7736, notebook L1
  8. W. H. Wollaston, “On a method of rendering Platina malleable”, Phil. Trans, 1828, 119, 18 [Google Scholar]
  9. Cambridge University Library Add. MSS 7736, notebook F
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  13. Cambridge University Library Add. MSS 7736, notebooks D, E, K and L1
  14. Preserved in the archives of Coutts & Co, 440 Strand, London WC2R 0QS; these are at present closed to researchers but photocopies of folios relating to Wollaston’s account can be seen at the library of University College, London, in the Wollaston Collection, box 13, file 2, encl. A
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  19. Cambridge University Library Add. MSS 7736, notebook H
  20. Cambridge University Library Add. MSS 7736, notebook G
  21. Cambridge University Library Add. MSS 7736, notebook I
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  23. Holograph letter from W. H. Wollaston to Thomas Farmer dated 30 November 1809, Science Museum Library MS 3a–14
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  27. British Museum (Natural History), Sir Joseph Banks Correspondence, Dawson Turner copies, 15, 338340
  28. National Library of Scotland, MS 3813, ff 43r and v, 44r
  29. Ibid., ff 45r and v, 46r and v. For the full text of this letter and the one mentioned in Ref. 28 see J. A. Chaldecott, “Contributions of Fellows of the Royal Society to the fabrication of Platinum Vessels: some unpublished manuscripts”, Notes and Records Roy. Soc. Lond., 1967, 22, 155172 [Google Scholar]
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  39. Royal Society Domestic MSS, 3, item 127
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