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Volume 29, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0032-1400
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  1. There are several reviews of Wöhler’s life including:
  2. R. Keen, (a)Dictionary of Scientific Biography”, ed. C. C. Gillispie, New York, Vol. XIV, 1976, pp. 474479; also Ph.D. thesis, Univ. London, The Life and Work of Friedrich Wöhler, 1800–1882”, 1976 [Google Scholar]
  3. A. W. Hofmann, (b)Berichte, 1882, 15, 31273290. A comprehensive but uncritical obituary notice. [Google Scholar]
  4. J. Valentin, (c)Friedrich Wöhler”, Stuttgart, 1949 [Google Scholar]
  5. L. Gmelin, F. Wöhler, J. für Chem. (Schweigger), 1822, 36, 23 [Google Scholar]
  6. F. Wöhler, Annalen 1877, 184, 128 [Google Scholar]
  7. A. W. Kahlbaum, Friedrich Wöhler, ein Jugendbildnis in Briefen an Hermann von Meyer”, Leipzig, 1900 [Google Scholar]
  8. Ibid., p. 90
  9. F. Wöhler, Berichte, 1875, 8, 838 [Google Scholar]
  10. J. J. Berzelius, Lärbok i Kemien”, 1st Edn., Stockholm, 1808–1830, 6 vols. Wöhler revised the first two volumes and translated the rest, then saw two further editions – not published in Swedish – through the press by 1841 [Google Scholar]
  11. J. J. Berzelius, Jahres-Bericht über die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaft”, Tübingen, 27 vols., 1822–48; Vols. 4–20, 1836–41, bear Wöhler’s name as translator [Google Scholar]
  12. O. Wallach, Briefwechsel zwischen J. Berzelius and F. Wöhler”, 2 vols., Wiesbaden, 1901. A scholarly edition with extensive footnotes illuminating the history of this period [Google Scholar]
  13. K. Goldshmidt, Z. angew. Chem., 1925, 38, 1057; I. Fogh, Kgl. Dan. Vidensk. Math. Fys., 1921, 3. These set out the opposing claims [Google Scholar]
  14. H. C. Oersted, Scientific Papers”, ed. Frau K. Meyer, 1920, Vol. 1, p. cxxiii; the most accessible version. Original papers in Danish were not fully translated in foreign journals of the time [Google Scholar]
  15. F. Wöhler, Ann. Phys. (Poggendorff), 1827, 11, 146 [Google Scholar]
  16. F. Wöhler, Ann. Phys. (Poggendorff), 1828, 13, 577 [Google Scholar]
  17. J. Richards, An account of Deville’s work and the medal is given in: Aluminium: its History, Occurrence, Properties, Metallurgy and Applications”, London, 1890 [Google Scholar]
  18. H. St.-C. Deville, F. Wöhler, On silicon: Annalen, 1857, 104, 256; and 1859, 110, 248. On boron 1857, 101, 113; and [Google Scholar]
  19. 1857, 101, 347; and
  20. 1858, 105, 67
  21. F. Wöhler, Ann. Phys. (Poggendorff), 1824, 1, 231 [Google Scholar]
  22. T. Graham, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1868/9, 17, 212 and 500 [Google Scholar]
  23. J. Liebig, F. Wöhler, Annalen, 1832, 3, 249 [Google Scholar]
  24. A. W. Hofmann, Aus Justus Liebig’s und Friedrich Wöhler’s Briefwechsel 1829–1873”, Braunschweig, 1888, 2 vols. (This is in fact a poor digest of the original letters, largely preserved in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in München.) II, p. 77 [Google Scholar]
  25. F. Wöhler, Lettre à M. Pelouze, Ann. Chim., 1833, 54, 317 [Google Scholar]
  26. F. Wöhler, Annalen, 1834, 9, 149 [Google Scholar]
  27. O. Wallach, Briefwechsel zwischen J. Berzelius and F. Wöhler”, Wiesbaden, 1901, 2 vols., p. 544 [Google Scholar]
  28. F. Wöhler, Annalen, 1839, 29, 336 [Google Scholar]
  29. F. Wöhler, Annalen, 1866, 140, 253 [Google Scholar]
  30. A. Muckle, F. Wöhler, Annalen, 1857, 104, 368 [Google Scholar]
  31. F. Wöhler, Annalen, 1866, 139, 116; [Google Scholar]
  32. 1869, 151, 374
  33. F. Wöhler, Annalen, 1874, 174, 199 [Google Scholar]
  34. W. C. Heraeus, Heinrich Rössler, D. McDonald, L. B. Hunt, An account of A History of Platinum and its Allied Metals”, Johnson Matthey, London, 1982, p. 326 [Google Scholar]
  35. H. S. Van Klooster, J. Chem. Educ., 1944, 5, 158; [Google Scholar]
  36. C. A. Browne, J. Chem. Educ., 1930, 7, 502 [Google Scholar]
  37. Chem. News, 1882, 46, 183 [Google Scholar]

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