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Volume 29, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 0032-1400


Phosphoric acid fuel cells are approaching commercial reality, especially in the United States of America and Japan. Without exception they are catalysed by platinum-containing catalysts; in view of the probable future development of such cells and the predicted size of the market for them it is necessary to consider the availability of platinum for this purpose. This article is based, in part, upon a paper presented at an international workshop on trends in research and applications of fuel cells, which was organised by Unesco in co-operation with the Commission of the European Communities, held at Ravello, Italy, during June. It examines the scale of this potential requirement against a background of existing applications of the metal and the way in which it will be used and recycled. Having discussed some recent developments it concludes that supplies will be adequate to meet even the most optimistic projections of fuel cell market penetration.


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