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image of Severe Plastic Deformation Methods Influence on the Structure and Properties of Metal Materials


Abstract: In the modern world, nanotechnology plays an increasingly important role in various branches of science and industry. One of the key aspects in the field of nanotechnology is the production of consolidated nanomaterials, which have unique properties and can be used in various fields, such as electronics, medicine, energy and others. Severe plastic deformation methods can provide formation of nanostructures in various materials. However, resulting grain size and nature of the emerging structure depend not only on the SPD method used, but also on the processing modes, phase composition and initial microstructure of the material.   This review article discusses various methods for producing consolidated nanomaterials, which are based on severe plastic deformation, such as: extrusion, pressure processing, rotation, thermomechanical processing, equal channel angular pressing, water impact processing, vibration processing, electron beam processing and magnetic processing. Their influence on the structure and properties of metallic materials, as well as the areas of the most effective application of some of them, have been studied. This article discusses ways to obtain the minimum grain size in various materials, data on the evolution of the microstructure during intense deformations are considered.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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