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Volume 66, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 2056-5135


This study intends to identify the characteristics of heat regulation in heat storage microencapsulated fabrics and to examine the effect of the microcapsules application method. For this purpose, phase-changing material (PCM) microcapsules were applied by impregnation and coating methods on cotton fabrics. The presence and distribution of microcapsules on the fabric surface were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The temperature regulation of the fabrics was examined using a temperature measurement sensor and data recorder system (thermal camera). According to the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis, melting in fabrics coated with microcapsules occurred between 25.83°C–31.04°C and the amount of heat energy stored by the cotton fabric during the melting period was measured as 2.70 J g−1. Changes in fabric surface temperature due to the presence of microcapsules in the fabric structure were determined. When comparing the PCM capsules transfer methods, the contact angle of impregnated and coated fabric was obtained as 42° and 73°, respectively. Analysis of the microcapsules transferred to the fabric by impregnation and coating methods shows that the PCM transferred fabric prepared by the impregnation method performs more efficient temperature regulation. However, the analysis shows that PCM transferred fabrics prepared by coating also perform heat absorption, although not as much as the impregnation method. Performance evaluation according to the target properties of the textile will give the most accurate results for fabrics treated by coating and impregnation methods.


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