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Volume 65, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2056-5135


This first part of a two-part commemoration of the life and work of Robert D. Gillard begins with a biographical outline which provides a context for his chemical achievements. He was awarded a State Scholarship and after his National Service in the Royal Air Force he went up to St Edmund Hall, Oxford, to read Chemistry. There follows a chronological account of his career in Chemistry starting with his undergraduate days in Oxford, where a Part II project with Dr Harry Irving on alkaline earth and cobalt complexes proved seminal. His PhD research at Imperial College, London in the Geoffrey Wilkinson group broadened his experience into the then poorly developed chemistry of rhodium and other platinum group metal complexes. Gillard next went to Sheffield University as a Lecturer where he developed independent research while continuing to work on earlier topics. There followed a move to Canterbury as a Reader at the University of Kent. In his particularly productive seven years there with a large research group he widened his experience further, expanding his interests in such areas as the optical properties of transition metal complexes, considering biological and medical relevance, and increasing the range of metals and ligands he investigated. His subsequent time at Cardiff and then into retirement will be covered in the second part of this commemoration.


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  1. Harry Munroe Napier Hetherington Irving’s wide-ranging research interests included structural and solution chemistry of coordination complexes. He moved from Oxford (where he was in Gillard’s time Vice President of St Edmund Hall as well as University Demonstrator in Chemistry) to the chair of Inorganic and Structural Chemistry at the University of Leeds in 1961. He retired in 1971, but in 1976 travelled to the University of Cape Town (UCT), initially for a three month stay. In practice he stayed on in South Africa until his death in 1993. He inaugurated the chair of Analytical Science at UCT in 1979, remaining in that post until his second retirement, at the age of 80, in 1985 (2, 3). Gillard invoked the Irving-Williams Series (4) from time to time, and shared Williams’s interest in matters inorganic, biochemical and medical; R. J. P. Williams was one of the examiners for Gillard’s BSc thesis
  2. A. T. Hutton, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Africa, 1994, 49, (2), 256–258 LINK [Google Scholar]
  3. R. J. P. Williams, R. D. Gillard, Polyhedron, 1987, 6, (1), 1 LINK [Google Scholar]
  4. H. Irving, R. J. P. Williams, J. Chem. Soc., 1953, 3192–3210 LINK [Google Scholar]
  5. Nobel Prize Winner, jointly with E. O. Fischer, in 1973 (6); knighted in 1976
  6. ‘The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1973: Ernst Otto Fischer and Geoffrey Wilkinson’, “Nobel Prizes and Laureates”,The Nobel Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden, 1973 LINK [Google Scholar]
  7. Anthony J. Poë,
  8. F. Basolo, ‘Foreign Guests Hosted: A. J. Poë’, in “From Coello to Inorganic Chemistry: A Lifetime of Reactions”, Profiles in Inorganic Chemistry, Ch. 6, Springer Science and Business Media, New York, USA, 2002, p. 207 LINK [Google Scholar]
  9. This is dated July 1964; it has ix+103 pages. There are 95 references, the earliest dating from 1885, several are pre-1914. This spread of dates, and the occasional esoteric source, are an early example of Gillard’s wide-ranging scanning of the chemical literature (10)
  10. R. D. Gillard, “Spectroscopic Studies on Complex Compounds of Transition Metal Compounds”, PhD Thesis, Department of Chemistry, Imperial College, London, UK, July, 1964, 112 pp LINK [Google Scholar]
  11. Dunlop subsequently moved to the Technische Hochschule, München, Germany. Payne later became a Professor at the University of Western Ontario in Canada. Garbett later worked at Northwestern University with Professor I. M. Klotz, using Mössbauer spectra to study hemerythrin, before going on to work on corrosion in nuclear power plants at the UK’s Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB)
  12. M. E. Clissold, P. Leverett, P. A. Williams, D. E. Hibbs, E. H. Nickel, Canadian Mineral., 2007, 45, (2), 317–320 LINK [Google Scholar]
  13. The University’s official information publication reported, in issue 32 of May 25, that “Robert D. Gillard, chemistry, visiting professor from England, was shot Saturday in his office. He was taken to U Hospitals, where he is listed in satisfactory condition. Suspect was taken into custody pending investigation” (14)
  14. University of Minnesota Brief, 1971, 1, (32), 2 LINK [Google Scholar]
  15. A decade later, collaboration with Brodersen was reflected in a visit to Cardiff by Brodersen’s protégé Hans Ulrich Hummel (see the paragraph on gravimetric analysis of [Fe(phen)2(CN)2] hydrate toward the end of Section 2.1.1, Part II (22) and the endnote cited there)
  16. At Cardiff Gillard supervised several graduates of Portuguese universities for MSc or PhD degrees, an early example being Jaime Alejandro Arce Sagüés, whose MSc, completed in 1977, dealt with several ruthenium(III)-diimine complexes
  17. On his return to Portugal he was appointed to the Chemistry Department of the University of Aveiro, becoming a Professor in 1979 and acting as Minister of Education 2001–2002. He published a dozen papers with Gillard over the years 1977 to 1990. These mainly deal with complexes of rhodium(III) and molybdenum(VI); he contributed to three papers in the “Optically-Active Compounds” series
  18. Gillard’s postgraduate student Ray Wootton worked both with Costa Pessoa and with Frausto da Silva in Portugal
  19. Her contributions can be traced through the latest Part, viz. “Preparation and characterisation of new oxovanadium(IV) Schiff Base complexes derived from amino acids and aromatic o-hydroxyaldehydes” (20)
  20. J. Costa Pessoa, I. Cavaco, I. Correia, M. T. Duarte, R. D. Gillard, R. T. Henriques, F. J. Higes, C. Madeira, I. Tomaz, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 1999, 293, (1), 1–11 LINK [Google Scholar]
  21. L. F. Vilas Boas worked in Gillard’s group in Cardiff, and later was a colleague of Costa Pessoa in Lisbon. Gillard published nine papers (1977–1992) and at least three conference abstracts with Vilas Boas
  22. J. Burgess, M. V. Twigg, Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2021, 65, (1), 23–43 LINK [Google Scholar]
  23. The Australian Professor Brice Bosnich was elected a Fellow of The Royal Society in 2000, and after retirement at the age of 70 he left Chicago and returned to Australia where he questioned the validity of some global warming claims. He died in 2015 (24)
  24. J. D. Crowley, W. G. Jackson, S. B. Wild, Aust. J. Chem., 2016, 69, (5), 485–488 [Google Scholar]
  25. The seven volumes published consisted of short reviews aimed at undergraduates and postgraduates
  26. J. D. Atwood, Department of Chemistry, University of Buffalo, New York, USA, February, 2017, personal correspondence
  27. J. Coord. Chem., 1997, 41, (3), a LINK [Google Scholar]
  28. Gillard’s strong Portuguese connections are reflected in the inclusion of two substantial chapters by three of his collaborators from that country (29, 30)
  29. L. F. Vilas Boas, J. Costa Pessoa, ‘Vanadium’, in “Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry”, eds. G. Wilkinson, R. D. Gillard, J. A. McCleverty, Vol. 3, ch. 33, Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK, 1987, pp. 453–583 [Google Scholar]
  30. J. D. Pedrosa de Jesus, ‘Hydroxy Acids’, in “Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry”, eds. G. Wilkinson, R. D. Gillard, J. A. McCleverty, Vol. 2, ch. 15.7, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1987, pp. 461–486 [Google Scholar]
  31. E. J. Corey, J. C. Bailar, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1959, 81, (11), 2620–2629 LINK [Google Scholar]
  32. R. D. Gillard, Nature, 1960, 188, (4749), 487 LINK [Google Scholar]
  33. H. Irving, R. D. Gillard, J. Chem. Soc., 1960, 5266–5267 [Google Scholar]
  34. H. Irving, R. D. Gillard, J. Chem. Soc., 1961, 2249 [Google Scholar]
  35. B. N. Figgis, R. D. Gillard, R. S. Nyholm, G. Wilkinson, J. Chem. Soc., 1964, 5189–5193 LINK [Google Scholar]
  36. R. D. Gillard, J. A. Osborn, G. Wilkinson, J. Chem. Soc., 1965, 1951–1965 LINK [Google Scholar]
  37. R. D. Gillard, G. Wilkinson, J. Chem. Soc., 1964, 2835–2837 [Google Scholar]
  38. K. A. Hofmann, G. Bugge, Ber. Dtsch. Chem. Ges., 1908, 41, (1), 312–314 LINK [Google Scholar]
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  40. B. Rosenberg, Cancer Chemother. Rep., 1975, 59, (3), 589–598 [Google Scholar]
  41. R. J. Speer, H. Ridgeway, L. M. Hall, D. P. Stewart, K. E. Howe, D. Z. Lieberman, A. D. Newman, J. M. Hill, Cancer Chemother. Rep., 1975, 59, (3), 629–641 [Google Scholar]
  42. T. V. O’Halloran, P. K. Mascharak, I. D. Williams, M. M. Roberts, S. J. Lippard, Inorg. Chem., 1987, 26, (8), 1261–1270 LINK [Google Scholar]
  43. J. F. Young, R. D. Gillard, G. Wilkinson, J. Chem. Soc., 1964, 5176–5189 LINK [Google Scholar]
  44. R. D. Gillard, G. Wilkinson, J. Chem. Soc., 1963, 3193–3200 LINK [Google Scholar]
  45. R. D. Gillard, G. Wilkinson, J. Chem. Soc., 1963, 6041–6044 [Google Scholar]
  46. R. D. Gillard, G. Wilkinson, J. Chem. Soc., 1964, 1368–1372 LINK [Google Scholar]
  47. R. D. Gillard, D. M. Harris, G. Wilkinson, J. Chem. Soc., 1964, 2838–2840 [Google Scholar]
  48. H. O. Davies, R. D. Gillard, M. B. Hursthouse, A. Karaulov, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans., 1995, (14), 2333–2336 LINK [Google Scholar]
  49. The vagaries of research and publication occasionally led to irregularities in numbering Parts of series. Thus, for instance, there are (a very few) papers included in two series (see, e.g., the footnotes to Table S5) and several Parts of the series “Equilibria in Complexes of N-Heterocyclic Molecules” are missing – though this series has two Part 50s. Moreover there are several publications which were not assigned to appropriate series despite their being central to the subjects of the respective series, for example “Direct Evidence for Existence of a Covalently Hydrated Coordination Compound” (50)
  50. R. D. Gillard, L. A. P. Kane-Maguire, P. A. Williams, Transition Met. Chem., 1976, 1, 247 [Google Scholar]
  51. A preliminary heavily abbreviated version of Gillard’s Meldola Lecture (52), followed by a short article on Raphael Meldola himself, appeared earlier that year (53)
  52. R. D. Gillard, Chem. Brit., 1967, 3, (5), 205–211 [Google Scholar]
  53. R. D. Gillard, Chem. Brit., 1967, 3, (1), 1–2 [Google Scholar]
  54. R. D. Gillard, ‘The Cotton Effect in Coordination Compounds’, in “Progress in Inorganic Chemistry”, ed. F. A. Cotton, Vol. 7, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, USA, 1966, pp. 215–276 LINK [Google Scholar]
  55. C. Schultz, Z. Chem., 1869, 5, 531–532 [Google Scholar]
  56. This paper (57) was summarised (58, 59) and the results included in (60). See page 293 of (60), “Deuxième Partie: Sels Ternaires Oxygénés”, where it is specifically stated that the nitrates of rubidium and of caesium, like those of potassium and of ammonium, dissolve in fuming nitric acid to give “acid nitrates”
  57. A. Ditte, Ann. Chim. Phys., Series 5, 1879, 18, 320–345 LINK [Google Scholar]
  58. A. Ditte, Comptes Rendus, 1879, 89, 576–579 LINK [Google Scholar]
  59. A. Ditte, Comptes Rendus, 1879, 89, 641–643 LINK [Google Scholar]
  60. A. Ditte, “Étude Générale des Sels: Deuxieme Partie: Sels Ternaires Oxygénés”, Leçons Professées à la Faculté des Sciences de Paris, H. Dunod et E. Pinat, Paris, France, 1906, 382 pp, p. 293 LINK [Google Scholar]
  61. H. L. Wells, F. J. Metzger, Am. Chem. J., 1901, 26, 271–275 [Google Scholar]
  62. J. Chédin, S. Fénéant, Comptes Rendus, 1947, 224, 930–932 LINK [Google Scholar]
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  65. S. G. Hedin, Acta Univ. Lund, Sect. 2, 1886, 22, 1–6 [Google Scholar]
  66. P. Poulenc, Ann. Chim., 1935, 11, (4), 567–657 [Google Scholar]
  67. Gillard suggested this reformulation at the Autumn Meeting of the Royal Society of Chemistry at Nottingham in September 1965 (Abstract B4), then published it the following year (68). This paper also reports the preparation of a number of similar compounds, trans-[MA4X2](O2NO·H·ONO2), with M = Co or Rh, A = pyridine or ½(bipyridine) and X = CI or Br
  68. R. D. Gillard, R. Ugo, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1966, 549–552 LINK [Google Scholar]
  69. B. D. Faithful, R. D. Gillard, D. G. Tuck, R. Ugo, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1966, 1185–1188 LINK [Google Scholar]
  70. G. C. Dobinson, R. Mason, D. R. Russell, Chem. Commun. (London), 1967, (2), 62–63 LINK [Google Scholar]
  71. B. D. Faithful, S. C. Wallwork, Chem. Commun. (London), 1967, (23), 1211 LINK [Google Scholar]
  72. Disappointingly, infrared-Raman spectroscopic, X-ray diffraction (73) and neutron-scattering (74) studies of Cs[H(ONO2)2] failed to establish the position of the proton. However, a subsequent neutron diffraction study of trans-[Rh(py)4Cl2]NO3·HNO3 highlighted the disorder that probably explains the difficulty in locating the exact location of the H atom in the hydrogen dinitrate anion (75)
  73. J. M. Williams, N. Dowling, R. Gunde, D. Hadži, B. Orel, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1976, 98, (6), 1581–1582 LINK [Google Scholar]
  74. J. Rozière, C. V. Berney, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1976, 98, (6), 1582–1583 LINK [Google Scholar]
  75. J. Rozière, M. S. Lehmann, J. Potier, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B: Struct. Sci., 1979, B35, (5), 1099–1102 LINK [Google Scholar]
  76. N. S. Al-Zamil, E. H. M. Evans, R. D. Gillard, D. W. James, T. E. Jenkins, R. J. Lancashire, P. A. Williams, Polyhedron, 1982, 1, (6), 525–534 LINK [Google Scholar]
  77. (78); many years earlier trans-[Ir(py)4Cl2)][H(ONO2)2] had been mentioned as an aside in a short paper on synthesis of iridium(III) complexes (79)
  78. R. D. Gillard, S. H. Mitchell, Polyhedron, 1987, 6, (10), 1885–1899 LINK [Google Scholar]
  79. R. D. Gillard, B. T. Heaton, Chem. Commun. (London), 1968, (2), 75 LINK [Google Scholar]
  80. N. M. Okun, J. C. Tarr, D. A. Hilleshiem, L. Zhang, K. I. Hardcastle, C. L. Hill, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem., 2006, 246, (1–2), 11–17 LINK [Google Scholar]
  81. N. Heine, T. I. Yacovitch, F. Schubert, C. Brieger, D. M. Neumark, K. R. Asmis, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2014, 118, (35), 7613–7622 LINK [Google Scholar]
  82. K. Garbett, R. D. Gillard, J. Chem. Soc., 1965, 6084–6100 LINK [Google Scholar]
  83. R. D. Gillard, H. M. Irving, L. D. Pettit, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1968, 673–674 LINK [Google Scholar]
  84. At the University of Kent at Canterbury chemists were first housed in a temporary ‘hut’ near Eliot College, and they moved into the new Chemistry Building well before it was formerly opened by the Chancellor Her Royal Highness Princess Marina Duchess of Kent on 20th October 1967 when most of the offices and laboratories were, or in the process of being, occupied. The chemistry building had four floors for Radiochemistry (Professor G. Martin, later Dean of Natural Sciences and Deputy Vice-Chancellor), Physical Chemistry (Professor E. F. Caldin), Organic Chemistry (Professor R. F. Hudson) and the top floor Inorganic Chemistry (Dr R. D. Gillard). Spacious teaching laboratories were in a single story annex. Today the building is known as the Ingram Building
  85. R. D. Gillard, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1967, 917–922 LINK [Google Scholar]
  86. F. Basolo, R. G. Pearson, “Mechanisms of Inorganic Reactions: A Study of Metal Complexes and Solutions”, 2nd Edn.,John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA, 1967, p. 177 [Google Scholar]
  87. Comparison of H/D exchange rates with those for base hydrolysis lends strong support to the SN1 CB mechanism for the latter. See for example (88, 89)
  88. C. K. Poon, M. L. Tobe, Chem. Commun. (London), 1968, (3), 156–158 LINK [Google Scholar]
  89. M. L. Tobe, J. Burgess, “Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms”, Addison-Wesley Longman, Harlow, UK, 1999, p. 158 [Google Scholar]
  90. D. Banerjea, J. Inorg. Nuclear Chem., 1967, 29, (11), 2795–2805 LINK [Google Scholar]
  91. Redox catalysis of substitution at analogous chromium(III) complexes is well-known, as for example in the facile preparation of tris(diamine)chromium(III) salts (see for example (92)). Gillard also used zinc reduction (though preparatively rather than catalytically) of ruthenium trichloride in his preparation of trans-[Ru(py)4Cl2][H(ONO2)2]
  92. R. D. Gillard, P. R. Mitchell, ‘Tris(diamine)chromium(III) Salts’, in “Inorganic Syntheses”, ed. F. A. Cotton, Vol. 13, McGraw-Hill Inc, New York, USA, 1972, p. 184–186 LINK [Google Scholar]
  93. N. Tanaka, K. Nagase, Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 1967, 40, (3), 546–550 LINK [Google Scholar]
  94. N. Serpone, F. Bolletta, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 1983, 75, 189–192 LINK [Google Scholar]
  95. D. P. Rillema, J. F. Endicott, J. R. Barber, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1973, 95, (21), 6987–6992 LINK [Google Scholar]
  96. A. G. Beaumont, R. D. Gillard, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1968, 2400–2403 LINK [Google Scholar]
  97. G. T. Morgan, J. D. Main-Smith, J. Chem. Soc., 1922, 121, 1956–1971 LINK [Google Scholar]
  98. G. T. Morgan, J. D. Main-Smith, J. Chem. Soc., 1924, 125, 1996–2004 LINK [Google Scholar]
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  103. S. E. Binns, R. H. Cragg, R. D. Gillard, B. T. Heaton, M. F. Pilbrow, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1969, 1227–1231 LINK [Google Scholar]
  104. R. H. Dainty later did extensive work on the effects of bacteria on meats at the Norwegian Food Research Institute
  105. C. Thorpe went on to work at Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in the University of Delaware
  106. S. H. Laurie,
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  112. Francis Patrick John (Frank) Dwyer (1910–1962) was an important and influential Australian chemist, one of the pioneers of bioinorganic chemistry. He mentored most of the following generation of Australian inorganic chemists, including e.g. R. S. Nyholm, A. M. Sargeson and B. Bosnich. The last-named provides a link between Dwyer’s seminal work on metal complexes in bio-systems with Gillard’s research on such topics as bacterial growth (cf. the series “Coordination Compounds and Micro-Organisms” – see Table S5) (113–115). Dwyer’s contribution to this field was outlined many years later in (116) and subsequently detailed in (117)
  113. F. P. Dwyer, E. C. Gyarfas, W. P. Rogers, J. H. Koch, Nature, 1952, 170, (4318), 190–191 LINK [Google Scholar]
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  117. N. L. Kilah, E. Meggers, Aust. J. Chem., 2012, 65, (9), 1325–1332 LINK [Google Scholar]
  118. A. Shulman, G. M. Laycock, E. J. Ariëns, A. R. H. Wigmans, Eur. J. Pharmacol., 1970, 9, (3), 347–357 LINK [Google Scholar]
  119. H. M. Butler, J. C. Laver, A. Shulman, R. D. Wright, Med. J. Aust., 1970, 2, (7), 309–314 LINK [Google Scholar]
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  126. H. Grossman, A. Shulman, C. Bell, Experientia, 1973, 29, (12), 1522–1524 LINK [Google Scholar]
  127. The effects of these complexes on the in vitro growth of a range of bacteria were studied. Only trans-[RhL4X2]+, where L = a pyridine and X = chloride or bromide, showed usefully high levels of antibacterial activity, with bromide complexes being about ten times more effective than their chloride analogues. At very low concentrations these rhodium complexes lead to filamentous growth of Escherichia coli, recalling the seminal experiments of Rosenberg’s group using cis-[PtCl4(NH3)2] cf. (121, 122) [Google Scholar]
  128. W. P. Griffith, Platinum Metals Rev., 2013, 57, (2), 110–116 LINK [Google Scholar]
  129. R. D. Gillard, ‘Rhodium Complexes and Bacteria’, 1st International Conference on the Chemistry of the Platinum Group Metals, 19th–24th July, 1981, Bristol, UK, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK, Abstract A8 [Google Scholar]
  130. (131) describes the preparation and characterisation of enantiomers and a racemate of trans-[Rh(nicH)4Cl2](PF6)5, while (132) reports on the biological activities of these complexes
  131. R. D. Gillard, E. Lekkas, Trans. Met. Chem., 2000, 25, (6), 617–621 LINK [Google Scholar]
  132. R. D. Gillard, E. Lekkas, Trans. Met. Chem., 2000, 25, (6), 622–625 LINK [Google Scholar]
  133. R. D. Gillard, Platinum Metals Rev., 1970, 14, (2), 50–53 LINK [Google Scholar]
  134. U. Ndagi, N. Mhlongo, M. E. Soliman, Drug Des., Dev. Ther., 2017, 11, 599–616 LINK [Google Scholar]
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  136. R. D. Gillard, S. H. Laurie, ‘Metal-Protein Interactions’, in “Biochemistry of Food Proteins”, ed. B. J. F. Hudson, Springer Science and Business Media, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1992, pp. 155–196 LINK [Google Scholar]
  137. I. J. Ellison, R. D. Gillard, J. Chem. Soc.,Chem. Commun., 1992, (11), 851–853 LINK [Google Scholar]
  138. Pages 56–69 of (139) list actual and proposed rhodium(IV), (V) and (VI) compounds and complexes (as of 1982); pages 60 and 64 are the most relevant to Gillard’s work in this area
  139. D. J. Gulliver, W. Levason, Coord. Chem. Rev., 1982, 46, 1–127 LINK [Google Scholar]
  140. However, Cs2RhCl6 is, as one might expect, a Rh(IV) compound – see (141) – as are several other M2RhX6 salts and the binary halides RhF4 and RhCl4 (see (142, 143)) RhO2 is also known – see (144) and references therein
  141. I. J. Ellison, R. D. Gillard, Polyhedron, 1996, 15, (2), 339–348 LINK [Google Scholar]
  142. W. P. Griffith, “The Chemistry of the Rarer Platinum Metals (Os, Ru, Ir and Rh)”,Wiley Interscience, London, UK, 1967, pp. 317–318 [Google Scholar]
  143. S. A. Cotton, ‘Rhodium and Iridium: Halides and Halide Complexes: Iridium Halides’, in “Chemistry of Precious Metals”, Ch. 2, Chapman and Hall, London, UK, 1997, p. 80 [Google Scholar]
  144. E. M. Miguelez, M. A. A. Franco, J. Soria, J. Solid State Chem., 1983, 46, (2), 156–161 LINK [Google Scholar]
  145. C. Claus, “Beiträge zur Chemie der Platinmetalle”,Festschrift zur Jubelfeier des 50-Bestehens der Universität Kazan, Dorpat, 1854 LINK [Google Scholar]
  146. C. Claus, J. Prakt. Chem., 1860, 80, (1), 282–317 LINK [Google Scholar]
  147. C. Claus, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg, 1860, 2, 158–188 LINK [Google Scholar]
  148. The blue colour eventually generated by reaction with hypochlorite solution was used in the late 19th century as a test for rhodium – see, for example (149)
  149. E. Demarçay, Comptes Rendus, 1885, 101, 951–952 LINK [Google Scholar]
  150. P. Poulenc, G. Ciepka, ‘Rhodium’, in “Nouveau Traité de Chimie Minérale”, ed. P. Pascal, Vol. 19, Masson, Paris, France, 1958, pp. 353–355 [Google Scholar]
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  152. Mann studied a series of Lifschitz salts derived from unsymmetrical aliphatic diamines in an attempt to determine whether the nickel was in a square-planar or a tetrahedral environment. His failure to obtain any evidence for the existence of cis and trans isomers favoured tetrahedral stereochemistry at the metal centre – see (153)
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