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Volume 65, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 2056-5135


Biofilms in industrial cooling tower systems are an important problem. The importance of the surface material in the response to an oxidising biocide (chloramine T trihydrate) was substantiated in our study. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cooling tower fill material, stainless steel cooling tower construction material and glass surfaces were compared by evaluating the bacterial loads on materials before and after biocidal treatment. The greatest logarithmic decrease in bacterial load was recorded as >3 log for glass after the first two months and for PVC after the second month. Actively respiring bacterial counts and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) measurements showed that there was no significant difference in the sensitivity of biofilm-associated cells to the biocide on the different surfaces. In addition, the effect of the biocidal treatment decreased with increasing biofilm age, regardless of the material.


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