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Volume 65, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 2056-5135
  • oa Enrichment of Integrated Steel Plant Process Gases with Implementation of Renewable Energy

    Integration of power-to-gas and biomass gasification system in steel production

  • Authors: Ana Roza Medved1, Markus Lehner1, Daniel C. Rosenfeld2, Johannes Lindorfer2 and Katharina Rechberger3
  • Affiliations: 1 Chair for Process Technology and Industrial Environmental Protection, Montanuniversität LeobenFranz-Josef-Strasse 18, LeobenAustria 2 Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität LinzAltenberger Straße 69, 4040 LinzAustria 3 K1-MET GmbHStahlstraße 14, 4020 LinzAustria
  • Source: Johnson Matthey Technology Review, Volume 65, Issue 3, Jul 2021, p. 453 - 465
  • DOI:
    • Published online: 01 Jan 2021


The steel industry is one of the most important industry sectors, but also one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters. The process gases produced in an integrated steel plant, blast furnace gas (BFG), basic oxygen furnace gas (BOFG) and coke oven gas (COG), are due to high shares of inert gas (nitrogen) in large part energy poor but also providing a potential carbon source (carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide) for the catalytic hydrogenation to methane by integration of a power-to-gas (P2G) plant. Furthermore, by interconnecting a biomass gasification, an additional biogenic hydrogen source is provided. Three possible implementation scenarios for a P2G and a biomass gasification plant, including mass and energy balances were analysed. The scenarios stipulate a direct conversion of BFG and BOFG resulting in high shares of nitrogen in the feed gas of the methanation. Laboratory experimental tests have shown that the methanation of BFG and BOFG is technically possible without prior separation of CO. The methane-rich product gas can be utilised in the steel plant and substitutes for natural gas (NG). The implementation of these renewable energy sources results in a significant reduction of CO emissions between 0.81 million tonnes CO and 4.6 million tonnes CO per year. However, the scenarios are significantly limited in terms of available electrolysis plant size, renewable electricity and biomass.


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